guinness world records 2024 teeth beard and neck this man made a world record with these three

Guinness World Records 2024: You must have seen many powerful people in the world. But do you know of any person who has made a world record with the help of his beard, neck and teeth? Let us tell you today about one such person who made a world record with his teeth, beard and neck.

who is this person

The name of the person we are talking about is Dmytro Hrunsky. Dmytro Hrunsky is a resident of Ukraine. He made three new world records in a single day using three different parts of his body.

Record made with beard

Dmytro Hrunsky pulled a heavy 2580 kg cart with his beard. This was the heaviest vehicle ever pulled by a human being with his beard. Let us tell you, earlier in the year 2019 also, Dmytro Hrunsky had tried to make such a world record. But due to the heavy weight his beard hair was uprooted.

truck pulled by the neck

While Dmytro Hrunsky pulled a heavy vehicle with his beard, he pulled a truck with the help of his neck. The weight of this truck was 7,759 kg. Dmytro Hrunsky pulled this truck by his neck for about 5 meters. By making this record, he became the first person in the world to make such a strange record with the help of his neck.

7 cars were pulled from the dance

After the neck and beard, Dmytro Hrunsky showed off the wonders of his teeth. With the help of these teeth, he pulled not one or two, but a total of 7 cars. The people standing there were surprised to see this scene. The video of his acrobatics is going viral on social media. Dmytro Hrunsky got three titles in the Guinness Book of World Records in a single day.

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